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Colon 1 has now got a 600 Mb Fibre Broadband supply  and has had a basic infrastructure fitted to enable existing TV and broadband to be sent down owners existing TV co-ax cables. The monthly fee  for this single connection of around 55 Euros, will be paid as part of community expenses. Any owner who has an existing TV co-ax cable installed to their apartment, can also have Wi-Fi in their apartment by contacting PH Electronic and arranging to pay a one-off fee of 250 Euros to have a splitter / router fitted in their apartment. This will be configured for you by PH Electronic, who will re-establish your exiting TV connection and give you an individual password for your router. There will be no other ongoing charges to each owner and you will have virtually free Wi-Fi. Please note that the system does not have any inbuilt TV channels and owners will need to make their own arrangements if they wish to view channels from their home countries. There may be additional costs if you do not have an existing working co-ax cable. It is each owner’s responsibility to ensure that people using their internet do not partake in any illegal activities. Contact Details for PH Electronic:
PH Electronic Hochreiter Electra, S.L.Carretera General  TF-652 Residencial San Miguel I - Bloque 2 local 438632 Guargacho  San Miguel de Abona Telef. 922 783 116   Fax 922 784 130 electronica1151@hotmail.com